Hoe weet ik dat ik zwanger ben
Hoe weet ik dat ik zwanger ben

hoe weet ik dat ik zwanger ben

De pijn was echt onze vriend en we wisten hoe we er mee om moesten gaan. Door de yogalessen ben ik langzaamaan naar pijn gaan kijken als iets dat ik nodig had om te kunnen bevallen en ik heb dan ook geen moment angst of paniek ervaren tijdens de bevalling. Ze heeft ons bijgestaan in de hele voorbereiding en ik had het idee dat ik haar altijd kon bellen met vragen of zorgen die ik had, ze maakte écht tijd voor ons, ook buiten de lessen om.

hoe weet ik dat ik zwanger ben

Patricia geeft je precies dat vertrouwen in jezelf, je partner en de kracht van je lichaam en geest die je nodig het om uiteindelijk op een positieve bevalling terug te kunnen kijken. Zwangere vrouwen, gun jezelf de lessen van Patricia want ze maken een enorm verschil. Vanaf de tweede maand van mijn zwangerschap heb ik elke week de yogalessen van Patricia gevolgd en daarnaast samen met mijn vriend de partnertraining gedaan. My partner also enjoyed very much and learned a lot so he was the greatest support during the birth of our girl!If I get pregnant again the only thing that I will do differently will be to start with classes earlier:) thanks Patricia ♥️ I decided to include also weekly classes to my routine and thatwas my time to with m stay fit, spend time with other pregnant ladies and grasp more of Patricia’s experience !I am very pregnancy and birth went - I felt that I was in charge and that I was ready both physically and mentally and Patricia’s classes had a major role in that. After the first part I instantly loved Patricia’s approach - lots of knowledge mixed with fun and empowerment for both me and my partner. It was a blast to have Patricia on my pregnancy path and I am very thankful for everything she had taught me and my partner!I was very scared of giving birth and facing the this experience in a system very different from the one in my home country - so my midwives suggested partner birth preparations course. Finally, we gave birth to a sweet little boy at our living room in a calm environment as I wished.Thank you so much Patricia for the beautiful experience! You’re truly an inspiration ♥️ From the clueless husband, he became the best and greatest team partner for the delivery. Patricia helped him a lot on what to and not to do during the labor.

hoe weet ik dat ik zwanger ben

All because of the positive affirmation she taught me with the combination of verses I read from the Qur’an.I took the Weekly Class and also the 3 sessions of Partner Class with my husband. I felt empowered and gained a lot of courage, confidence and positivity that my body is designed and is capable to give birth naturally and even at home. The way I see myself and the birthing process has tremendously changed. But it all changed after I joined her class. She’s very cheerful, fun, positive, and inspiring at the same time.I came from a country where it’s very Hospital-minded to give birth, so I was planning to deliver at hospital too in the first place. I found her only from Google and once we talked on the phone, I know she’s the one I need to help me with the birth preparation. Joining Patricia’s class was a game changer for me.

Hoe weet ik dat ik zwanger ben